It drives me nuts how much packaging ends up in my garbage can or recycling bin (a better option, but still not great) after a trip to the store. There's just too much of it!
A recent survey in the UK shows that UK shoppers agree. As Ecofriend points out, "A recent MORI survey on 1000 supermarket shoppers shows that about 92% of them want a reduction in amount of packaging." The study is part of the British newspaper The Independent's Campaign Against Waste.
Here's a frustrating statistic statistic. "Packaging volume increased by 12 per cent between 1999 and 2005. It now makes up a third of the typical household's waste."
Think about that from a business perspective for a minute. Here you have all of these companies delivering precisely the opposite of what consumers want. Seems like the time is ripe for some kind of change on the packaging front.
Ecofriend summarizes some of the other findings of the survey:
- Some customers accept their social responsibility. About three quarters of the public are keen on accepting the social and environmental responsibility. So they shop at places like Food Co-ops where packaging is less and brown bags are used more.
- Some of these grocery stores have green credentials. This means their policy strictly adheres to saving the environment from pollution. When the customers were asked about this, they were surprised themselves. Survey Stats prove that about a third of the customers would stick to stores with green credentials.