I was reading an article on persistence this morning, and this paragraph jumped out at me...
Associate with like minded people, and absorb yourself in information that possess and promote the same attitude of possibility, and stay away from those that would attempt to squash your dreams. Daily feed your mind with material of hope and possibility and refuse to absorb the negativity of the daily news, and other pessimistic views of the outside world.
Every day we're surrounded by inputs that either feed our energy or drain it. And for the most part we don't spend all that much time managing those inputs.
Stop for a minute and look at your own life. What feeds your positive energy? What sucks it away? What makes you feel good and optimistic? What casts a dreary pall over your outlook on life?
Several years ago I swore off watching television news. I realized that it was adding nothing to my life, that I could get my information about the world in other ways, and that the "if it bleeds it leads" nature of it left me feeling crappy.
After "detoxing" for many years, I find that watching the news has a strongly negative impact on me. I didn't notice it when I was constantly exposed to it, but now I realize just how extraordinarily toxic it really is.
There are a lot of things like that in our lives. Things that suck our energy away and feed a negative outlook. Often we have gotten so accustomed to them that we don't even think about what life might be like without them in the picture. For example, sometimes there are people in our lives who are so invested in staying stuck that they habitually ooze pessimism over the dreams of others.
That's toxic ooze.
Try this. Sit down and make a three-columned list. In the first column, make a list of all the things in your life that feed your positive energy. In the second column, make a list of the things that drain it. In the third, make a list of things you could build into your life to "feed your mind with material of hope and possibility."
Then ask yourself, "How can I build more of the positive that already exists into the picture? How can I reduce or eliminate the toxic elements? And what can I do to incorporate even more material of hope and possibility into my days?"
Then do it.
Brought to you by Curt Rosengren, Passion Catalyst TM
I need to make more cash.
Posted by: David Johnson | July 30, 2007 at 09:22 AM
This is good stuff! Glad I found this link at Brazen Careerist.
Interview Guru
Posted by: Darlene | January 06, 2008 at 03:23 PM