I was initially a little uncomfortable writing about this one, because it seems a bit hippie-dippie and off topic. But then I decided that I'm a bit hippie-dippie and off topic at heart, so what the heck. ;-)
(Remember this series of posts is exploring my own definition of success, not what I think anyone else's should be...though feel free to steal anything here that works for you)
I want to create the openness in my life for love to show up. Not just in a romantic relationship (the certainly there too), but with the people I draw into my life in general. I want to be around people for whom love, care, and respect is a standard way of interacting.
Before I started writing I thought I was going to be completely off topic with this, but it seems that this does actually relate to what success in my career looks like as well. I want to make career decisions that will 1) encourage me to come from a place of love, care, and respect myself and 2) allow me to engage with others who are coming from a similar place. That will definitely have an impact on the path I take and the kinds of things I choose to do in the future.
Interestingly, I seem to have unconsciously created a career path that both allows me to come from that place and attracts others who share that.
This is one of a series of posts exploring my definition for success in my own journey. You can see the original post with the big picture here.
Curt Rosengren