Rebecca Thomas over at CareerNiche points to a short article with some ideas for discovering your passion. I particularly liked this one...
Follow any impulses you have in the direction of your true work/play/creative desires. Even if it seems totally unrealistic, follow the impulse anyway in the spirit of openness and adventure, and see what happens.
Follow your impulse in the spirit of openness and adventure, and see what happens! That is so contrary to how we typically approach our lives. So often, we need to have everything planned, defined, and certain before we will do anything.
The trouble is, the path to the really cool stuff is seldom visible from where you're standing. It takes exploration and experimentation, preferably without an attachment to a specific end result. The more you can allow things to simply unfold, the greater the potential for serendipity to work its magic.
Curt Rosengren
For the first time in my life, I've let go of everything I thought I was supposed to be doing and I'm working on just being me. It's really been interesting to see where my feet are taking me and what realizations I am having about the person I am versus the person I feel like I've been expected to be.
Posted by: Rebecca Thomas | February 10, 2005 at 05:53 PM