Lori Richardson posts a link to an article about a group of small business owners that get together every year in the Caribbean. Why?
Every November since 1991, a group of small business owners convene for three days at a Caribbean island resort to do something most of their counterparts do not. They tap each other's collective wisdom, write their business goals, and link with a colleague who will encourage them and hold their feet to the fire over the next 12 months.
The two things that really caught my attention were the elements of tapping into the collective wisdom and linking with a colleague.
Most of us have an asset that we don't leverage anywhere near to its potential, and that is the collective wisdom of the people around us. Professional colleagues, friends, and family all bring amazing insights and experience to the table. And part of tapping into that pool of knowledge is putting what you're trying to achieve out there. Let people know, and pick their brains.
On a more organized level, why not do a home-brewed version of the Caribbean retreat? Now is the perfect time of year. Gather a group of people whose ideas and opinions you respect and get together over coffee, at a restaurant, or someone's home. Start talking about where each of you want to go over the next year (and beyond) and how you see yourselves getting there.
Open the door to insights and ideas from the others in the group. Share your own freely. You might be surprised what comes out of it.
The other thing that stood out was the whole concept of having someone to hold your feet to the fire. It's a little thing, but the result can be HUGE. Incorporating a degree of accountability into what you are trying to achieve, so somebody else not only knows, but is going to be checking in on it, can increase your effectiveness in moving towards goals exponentially.
That's actually part of what makes working with someone like me so effective. There is a built in "voluntary peer pressure" that keeps people focused and moving forward.
Who could you connect with to hold your feet to the fire?
Curt Rosengren
Passion Catalyst SM