As I've mentioned before numerous times in this blog, one of the obstacles I encounter repeatedly in my own journey is a tendency toward perfectionism.
Interestingly, one area my perfectionism has never crept up is languages. I find that languages come fairly easily for me. I taught myself Swedish (which is reasonably fluent) and Spanish (which is functionally ugly).
I think one of the reasons for my ability to learn languages is the fact that I have no qualms about jumping in and using it, regardless of how good - or bad - I am.
My Spanish is, at best, poor. I use it too infrequently to really develop it. I can carry on a conversation with people who speak no English, and have spent days in areas where people spoke no English whatsoever, but it's definitely not pretty.
But when I think of how many experiences my willingness to jump in and use that bad Spanish has opened opened up, it's clear to me - a willingness to be imperfect and act opens doors. A need for perfection keeps them shut tight.
No doubt you see what's coming next. It's no different in your career, or anything you try in life. Being willing to jump in and start making things happen before you abilities/knowledge/skills/etc. are perfect will lead to more possibilities than you could ever discover standing in one place honing your abilities to perfection.
Once again, it's worth repeating...action creates opportunity. And if your need for perfection has you too rigid to move, that opportunity will never come your way.
Curt Rosengren
Passion Catalyst SM