Tim at the nub shares a great tool for squeezing more out of your brain than you realized was there. He calls it sentence completion. I'll let him describe it...
1) Take any issue you want to consider. E.g: your relationship with your kids or partner; your relationships at work; your project; your time; your stress -- ANYTHING.2) Now create a sentence stem that focuses on your issue. E.g. If I want to improve my time effectiveness by 5% I must...
3) Then complete the sentence between 6-10 times. Don't get fixed too long trying to say the right thing, if in doubt, invent - just make sure the ending is grammatically correct.
When you're trying to do something new - which more often than not is an inherent part of pursuing your passion - it's so easy to get stuck and not see the full spectrum of possibilities. I love this tool as a way to make yourself think about the full range of options. Don't just stick with the obvious as you complete the sentence - get creative.
Curt Rosengren
Passion Catalyst SM
You've picked up on something really important with sentence completion - getting creative. The great thing about this simple tool is that, one can very easily get creative. And then it's very likely that you'll look back and say: "Wow, I didn't realise I had it in me!"
Posted by: Tim | May 27, 2004 at 06:47 AM