OK, so imagine you're a New York taxi driver. And you get a thirty cent tip on an $11 fare. And then imagine that after you drop the person off, you find a bag with 31 diamond rings in the trunk. What do you do?
If you're Osman Chowdhury, you spend the rest of the day tracking down the owner so you can return the rings.
Chowdhury, a native of Bangladesh, told the New York Daily News that he didn't consider keeping the gems.
"I'm a hard worker," the soft-spoken cabbie said. "I enjoy my life. I'm satisfied. I'm not going to take someone else's money or property to make me rich. I don't want it that way.
"When I find something left in my cab, and I can return it to the owner, I feel very happy. I feel proud."
"I enjoy my life. I'm satisfied" Now here's a guy we can all learn from! How many times have you heard someone say that? This is great stuff, Curt!
Posted by: JeremyS | February 10, 2007 at 06:29 AM